Hi, I'm VoN
I'm a long-time content creator for VRChat, and I've been creating worlds and avatars for over four to five years now. If anyone's interested in seeing any of my work, or let alone supporting me; feel free to check out the links included in this page!
Interested in my work?
Feel free to check out the links below!
If interested in commissioning
me or buying an avatar, DM me here!
Before DMing me,
review my portfolio!
3D Model Shop
Containing all of my
VRChat worlds!
My Worlds
Attack on Titan:
Stohess District
'Recreation of the Stohess District from Attack on Titan - Made for VRChat!

Attack on Titan:
The Coordinate
'The Coordinate; where all paths converge․'
Attack on Titan:
The Rumbling
'You have the freedom to defend your world's freedom‚ and I have the freedom to continue moving forward.'

Attack on Titan:
Beyond the Walls
'If we kill all our enemies․․․ over there․․․ will we finally be free?'